Malton Four Corners Stormwater Pumping Station and Castlemore Wastewater Pumping Station Upgrades
Location: Brampton/Mississauga, Ontario
ROMAG completed the Malton Four Corners SWPS and the Castlemore WWPS within the Region of Peel.
The two sites are to remain fully operational while the new facilities are constructed. The Malton Four Corners SWPS and Castlemore WWPS sites will have deep excavation exceeding 9m and 15m respectively. Both construction sites are located in a high-density area.
The Malton Four Corners SWPS project work encompasses extensive amount of shoring, the decommissioning of the current wet well, the construction of a new wet wall and installation of new sewage pumps including all civil, mechanical and electrical work. Upgrade to the natural gas supply and the complete modification to the existing PLC.
The Castlemore WWPS includes the installation of new sewage pumps, grinders and all work including electrical, mechanical and structural.
All Projects
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Malton Four Corners Stormwater Pumping Station and Castlemore Wastewater Pumping Station Upgrades
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