Nonquon Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion

Location: Port Perry, Ontario

ROMAG completed the expansion of the Region of Durham’s existing Nonquon Water Pollution Control Plant located in Port Perry in the township of Scugog.

The current system is lagoon based with a capacity of 3970 m3/day. The new construction will increase treatment capacity to 5900 m3/day, with excessive peak flows to by-pass to the existing lagoons for flow equalization.

The plant processes utilize activated sludge technology, tertiary filtration and ultraviolet disinfection.

The works include Headworks Building (screen, grit classifier, MCC Room, Blower Room), Vortex Grit Tank, Secondary Treatment Tanks (Bioreactors and Clarifiers), Tertiary Building (Filters, UV Disinfection, Alum phosphorus removal system) and Operations Administration and Laboratory Building.

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